The ability to be able to ascertain how much someone is wounded. The person performing the skill should say "I’m checking your wounds", "I’m checking to see how injured you are" or similar. The answer will be: "I’m fine" (unwounded) "I’m injured" (1 to 29 Life below Total (i.e. on 13 to 41 Life)) "I’m severely wounded" (30 Below Total Life or worse i.e. on 12 Life and below) The character spends 10 seconds in good light, 30 seconds or longer in poor to no light, obviously checking the wounded person in order to receive an answer. The Player Ref will tell you at the Battleboard what to say if you don’t know. If you’re checked in the heat of battle and don’t know how badly your injured you can say "it’s not clear" in which case the Discern needs to be done later (once battleboarded). |