Listed here are all the in character information collected on missions that have been submitted to Valley Archives. To read any of the reports just click on one of the links below to expand and contract the yearly listings. If you wish to send in any material for publication, please send them to
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A Storm on the Horizon - Shrine Letter |
Moonday Have arrived at the shrine and secured it without attracting attention from the inhabitants of the nearby way station. So far so good and all is quiet. Earthday The guards fought off a small force of undead last night. We suspect they were a scouting force. It seems our information was correct and the Dymwan intend to make a move on the shrine. We must not let this happen. Fireday Another attack last night, this one with a little more force. We held easily enough. They seem unable to cope with the Men-Hadim. We should be able to hold them until we are done. We are undone. A mighty attack has scattered the Men-Hadim and our final defenses are under assault. It is not the Dymwan! Even if we hold now we will not hold another night... |
Last Updated on Sunday, 07 March 2010 22:33 |
A Storm on the Horizon - Assassin Letter |
Found on the body of an assassin, part of a group who sought to kill the Seer Simian before his trial. This note allows the bearer to withdraw the sum of 2 Gold Crowns from the company funds. Captain Decimus Crimson Hawks SulanThoe |
Last Updated on Sunday, 07 March 2010 22:25 |
A Storm on the Horizon - Dymwan Letter 2 |
Priest Geraud, We have used the cantos to compel the herald. This has allowed us to locate the shrine. It is in ruins but stands still atop a nearby wooded hill. Our investigations suggest that it is also possibly one of the points. The herald has played his part and may yet prove useful later, but we can proceed regardless. We have prepared a rite to awaken the blood oracle from his slumber and ensure he succumbs to the condition that our past endeavours have inflicted upon the other Hierarchs we have awakened. The rite must be performed at the shrine in the hour before midnight. We will secure the area once the dark of the night is fully upon us. You will remain at our camp with a token force to ensure we have somewhere to rest once we are done. Do not fail us. Archaeologist Durwent |
Last Updated on Sunday, 07 March 2010 22:23 |
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